Transform-R Partnerveranstaltung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Training: Connected Secure Systems in Companies - Basics "Safety and Security for Hard- and Software Development"


Regensburg, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr


(free of charge)


Safety und Security-Basics for Hard- and Software Development

Trainer: Christian Wenzel-Benner & Germano Brunacci, GLIWA GmbH

In the areas of development, integration, planning or testing, questions and challenges relating to the security of hardware and software products are increasingly arising in your day-to-day work. Our training offers you, as a specialist, a professional introduction to ways of thinking and principles in the field of safety and security. You will develop a fundamental understanding of secure systems.

  • Professional introduction to the security of hardware and software products
  • Teaching ways of thinking and principles in the field of safety and security
  • Basics for a fundamental understanding of secure systems

Target group:

  • Specialists from the areas of development, application and testing


For any questions relating to this training, please contact Dr. Michael Hellwig (

As a transformation network, we advise and support companies in the development of flexible solutions that ensure economic stability. At the same time, we develop new strategies for the region within the network. Our free services include seminars, specialist forums and the “transform-DiaLog” meeting for company practitioners. Our work focuses on securing skilled workers for the automotive and supplier industry. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information (Stefanie Fuchs -


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